Contact Us

So as not to WASTE your time, please read the following important points about sending an email before you compose your message:

  • Testimonials
    If you enjoyed the book and would like to give a testimonial, I would be happy to receive it. If you have a blog or another website of yours, please supply the URL so that it can be used to “authenticate” you to anyone who might read your testimonial. Also, if you have an online photograph – a mugshot – a URL for that would be appreciated. Not all testimonials can be used, but a website URL and mugshot go a long way to improving the odds that your review can be used. Thanks!
  • Refunds
    If you purchased a PHYSICAL PRODUCT from this site through a distribution partner such as, please use the partner’s refund processing procedure to get your refund processed in the shortest possible duration.

    If you need to request a refund for a DIGITAL PRODUCT purchased from this site be sure to include your ClickBank receipt ID when you visit this page at to request your refund

  • Mailing Address
    If you should need to contact us in writing you can mail your queries to the following address:Sustainable Fitness Solutions
    6 Seaview Road
    Regent, Whangarei
    Northland 0110
  • Phone Numbers
    There are several ways to contact Carolyn Hansen by phone. In each case you will need to ask for her by name as someone else is likely to answer:Gym: 011-64-09-4388-863
    Home: 011-64-09-4388-263
    Mobile: 011-64-021-02333-771

Otherwise, if you have general questions about the products offered on this site, suggestions for improvement, or you wish to enquire about other aspects of this web site, just enter the relevant information into the form below, preview your message, then send it.

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