Number 1 Anti-Aging Strategy – Challenging Exercise

By |2017-10-02T15:25:27+00:00October 2nd, 2017|Fitness Magic, Healthy Muscles, Sedentary Lifestyles|

Among the causes of aging, high insulin levels are the biggest threat to the length and quality of your life and maintaining control of your blood sugar levels in the normal range is key to slowing the aging process. Maintaining muscle tissue through the years and decades is vital for healthy aging, because muscles hold [...]

Full-Body Work-Outs are Key to Stellar Health and Longevity…

By |2017-07-16T14:03:00+00:00July 16th, 2017|Fitness Magic, Full body exercise, Healthy Brain, Healthy Muscles|

How you appear and act in life is a direct reflection of the health of your body and your mind.  Those who attend to the needs of their bodies in regards to proper nutrition and challenging exercise (resistance training or high intensity training of some sort) appear much younger. They have stronger bones, better posture, [...]

Your Brain Loves the Gym!!

By |2017-07-09T16:33:41+00:00July 9th, 2017|Full body exercise, Healthy Brain|

The benefits that a strengthening workout provide our physical bodies in terms of balance, strength and stamina have been well-documented, however, the incredible advantages for the brain are just being discovered. Evidence is mounting that physical exercise is the miracle potion for getting and keeping your brain healthy at any age. The same way your [...]

The Mortality Test You Can Perform In 10 Seconds

By |2017-06-24T23:18:28+00:00June 24th, 2017|Full body exercise, Healthy Muscles|

So you don't exercise. Or you get so little exercise in over the course of a week that you might as well be doing none at all... Big deal, right? What's the worse that can happen? No, seriously. What ARE the literal consequences of assuming the position of couch potato for the rest of your [...]

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